Febuary 1 2000 9:38pm
Burr, just got back from riding snowmobile about 45min ago, cool, really it is, REALLY cold, but fun, if there is something I like more than computers it is being outside and riding snowmobiles. For those of you that DON'T know what a "snowmobile" is here is a picture.
See it can go in deep snow and today my cousin wa jumping a snow drift and fell off but that was after he tipped it on it's side in the driveway, lmao =)
- Kurt F.
January 31 2000 9:58pm
Snow. Today on my way to school a snow plow tried to run the
bus off the road. Later there was news of a bus getting stuck 3 times and
one ending up in the ditch. And if you think things can't posibly get any
worse when wwe where going home in 10min after school let out there where
already 2 busses in the ditches. This is all true but none of it happened
to me. Right now there are 2 feet snow drifts blowing all over the place. I'll be d*med if we have school tommarrow.- Kurt F.